Friday, January 28, 2011

Lost Sense of Importance? I Think So.
^^^^This is an article, obviously pulled off of Yahoo, about how NBC's logo is going to change. It's widely renowned as the "Peacock Logo". I've got a bone to pick with this article for a couple different reasons.
My first point of contention...... you have a peacock as your logo..... a change MIGHT be for the better. Call me crazy but I'd rather have a dead wildebeest as my logo than a peacock.
Anyway, the point I really want to make is: WHO THE FUCK CARES?!?! I mean, honestly, I'm more interested in who they're merging with, why, and what kind of changes are we going to expect as far as buisness plans go.
However, I do passionately believe that this is news that does NOT belong on the front page or anywhere near it (maybe in section 5C of the buisness section). Especially because Egypt (along with most of Northern Africa) is heating up faster than the Sahara...
Egypt is going through some increadible dire straits right now in every facet of the government. They're trying to deal with massive riots, a falling economy (remenicent of Greece), a possible a coup d'état. Figures an American news website would goto a logo change before showing something that's actually of importance in the world.
I just get a little fed up with the run-of-the-mill news about nothing really instead of real stuff like what's happening in Northern Africa.
Stupid Americans.
(I'm qualified to say that because I am one)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Well, it's been a while.

Friends, you are well aware that this is the new year but, for those of you who are STILL hung-over... it's 2011.
Okay, firstly, whoever makes the new years glasses needs to stop. IMMEDIATELY. The whole 2000's were clever because you could put the eye holes through the 0's. And, even 2010 sort of worked. But, now it's over. Let it go. It's dead.
Anyways, I just thought that I'd throw a little something down on my blog because haven't since before Christmas.
Which reminds me.....WHAT is the deal with Christian holidays?! They make no sense. Christmas..... a wonderful time to meet and exchange presents.... get super drunk, and do things with people you don't like.  That makes no sense to me. Jesus wasn't even born on the 25th of December. He was born the 6th of January.
I'm not even going to bother with Easter (it's too easy). Happy nail your God to a stick day.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

String Theory

For anyone interested in the String Theory.... which is, in fact, not a theory but an in depth concept. Anyways, this is from the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) website. Ted always has really good speakers and is widely renowned. Cool stuff.

Monday, December 20, 2010


This is simply WAY too scary. Even if you haven't seen The Shining...........................................................................................................

My Pretty Face

I am not sure what to write about today so I will be discussing my purty face. Well..... it's pretty. It attracts a lot of different people and it's very calming but, at the same time, it's arousing. It may be a phenomena. I'm not sure. All I know for sure is I am glad to have it.
Faces are important. Especially mine.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Article on T.V. Shows Encouraging Promiscuity.

Okay. So. In all honesty I am by no means a fan of parents getting together and being pissed about something. Why? Because it's annoying and nothing good usually happens. They're like a mob of howling monkeys that no one wants to see or hear for that matter. But, in this instance I amlost agree with this article.
I don't watch T.V. very much. But, my little sister (who is 9 years old) watches Vampire Diaries. Which, to be frank, is possibly THE WORST shows EVER! I mean anything that involves teenagers and vampires are instantly about as intellegent as a brick. Except a brick is more useful.
But, I digress. Shows like Glee and The Vampire Diaries, but certainly not limited to, include more teenagers engaging in suggestive/sexual behavior than adults. Now I am certainly not saying that teenage romance is a bad thing, believe me. But, I do find it disappointing that our society is glorifying kids prancing around and doing things that society says they shouldn't.
Now I say this not because I don't think that we as teenagers can't handle it but I say it for the sake of my little sister and all the other kids who are growing up thinking , because of shows like 16 and Pregnant, that it's okay to have unprotected sex, have a baby, and have everything turn out okay. I am worried that she'll think her life's chances won't be seriously deminished if she gets pregnant. That is a serious untruth that is not being told.
Anyways, I just think that we as human beings can up a higher for of entertainment than watching teenage kids hook up.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Blogger

Welcome one, welcome all. Welcome my dear friends to my very first blogging experience. I don't exactly know the in's and the out's of the blogging however, I suspect I'll learn over a short period of time. Thank you very much and hope this will be an enjoyable experience for all. So sit back, relax, read, turn on, drop in, drop off, and explode.