Friday, December 17, 2010

Article on T.V. Shows Encouraging Promiscuity.

Okay. So. In all honesty I am by no means a fan of parents getting together and being pissed about something. Why? Because it's annoying and nothing good usually happens. They're like a mob of howling monkeys that no one wants to see or hear for that matter. But, in this instance I amlost agree with this article.
I don't watch T.V. very much. But, my little sister (who is 9 years old) watches Vampire Diaries. Which, to be frank, is possibly THE WORST shows EVER! I mean anything that involves teenagers and vampires are instantly about as intellegent as a brick. Except a brick is more useful.
But, I digress. Shows like Glee and The Vampire Diaries, but certainly not limited to, include more teenagers engaging in suggestive/sexual behavior than adults. Now I am certainly not saying that teenage romance is a bad thing, believe me. But, I do find it disappointing that our society is glorifying kids prancing around and doing things that society says they shouldn't.
Now I say this not because I don't think that we as teenagers can't handle it but I say it for the sake of my little sister and all the other kids who are growing up thinking , because of shows like 16 and Pregnant, that it's okay to have unprotected sex, have a baby, and have everything turn out okay. I am worried that she'll think her life's chances won't be seriously deminished if she gets pregnant. That is a serious untruth that is not being told.
Anyways, I just think that we as human beings can up a higher for of entertainment than watching teenage kids hook up.

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