Friday, January 28, 2011

Lost Sense of Importance? I Think So.
^^^^This is an article, obviously pulled off of Yahoo, about how NBC's logo is going to change. It's widely renowned as the "Peacock Logo". I've got a bone to pick with this article for a couple different reasons.
My first point of contention...... you have a peacock as your logo..... a change MIGHT be for the better. Call me crazy but I'd rather have a dead wildebeest as my logo than a peacock.
Anyway, the point I really want to make is: WHO THE FUCK CARES?!?! I mean, honestly, I'm more interested in who they're merging with, why, and what kind of changes are we going to expect as far as buisness plans go.
However, I do passionately believe that this is news that does NOT belong on the front page or anywhere near it (maybe in section 5C of the buisness section). Especially because Egypt (along with most of Northern Africa) is heating up faster than the Sahara...
Egypt is going through some increadible dire straits right now in every facet of the government. They're trying to deal with massive riots, a falling economy (remenicent of Greece), a possible a coup d'état. Figures an American news website would goto a logo change before showing something that's actually of importance in the world.
I just get a little fed up with the run-of-the-mill news about nothing really instead of real stuff like what's happening in Northern Africa.
Stupid Americans.
(I'm qualified to say that because I am one)

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